1800 Call Grandma
Lessons from grandma, Mumbai 2019
Intergenerational knowledge— a resource we can choose to preserve each single day. This began as a workshop offered by Culture Box at a local library. We prepared 12 various foods cooked in an Indian kitchen based on recipes from grandmas. Foods that you do not get in a restaurant and those that don’t feature in cooking shows or recipe books. These recipes are passed on from one generation to the next simply by word of mouth. What is best for a pregnant mom post delivery or what is best when fighting a cold? The audience enjoyed thoroughly and despite it being bitter or spicy or new to the palette, the food was gone very quickly. There is so much value in lessons learned from our grandparents. As a woman, founder of Culture Box, so many of my lessons have come from grand mothers, mother, sisters, aunts and girlfriends. It is keeping these relations that makes life beautiful.