Haldi ka Doodh — Tumeric milk

Haldi is the Hindi name for turmeric. The magic spice I am used to having in my food at almost every meal. Turmeric is a root that is native to tropical countries. It is a staple spice in all of Indian cuisine. It is dried and powdered and has a proud space in the daily spice box. It has also been known to be a coagulent for a bleed. I remember my parents putting haldi on a deep cut to stop the bleeding. One winter, I was in Provence teaching there for 3 months. I had carried my spices with me (of course). A colleague came running to me as she had slit her finger which cutting bread. Haldi came to the rescue. I dabbed some on her finger after cleaning the cut, and bandaged it. The next morning, she was doing great and still taken aback by this magic spice.

Growing up, having “haldi ka doodh” at night was a sure way to heal yourself if you had the sniffles or a sore throat coming on. I do the same with my children now. Haldi has found it’s way into a lot of what I cook. Even, an Italian minestrone soup. Now, in the times of COVID-19 when we are all working towards improving our immunity, I’d like to share this “Haldi ka doodh” recipe or Turmeric milk.
Best, had at night before going to bed. Warm, with a little sugar or honey and some ghee/ clarified butter in the drink. Some people also add black peppercorn powder to this mix as it is known to increase the absorption of curcumin — the main active ingredient in turmeric.


  • 1 cup milk (you could use almond, soy or rice milk too)

  • 1/4 tsp turmeric powder

  • 1 tsp sugar/ honey

  • 1/2 tsp ghee/ clarified butter

Warm the milk, stir in the turmeric, sugar/ honey and the ghee/ clarified butter. Drink in small sips. Make sure you drink all that settles at the bottom of the cup. Continue this the next day too. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities and makes me sleep better. Enjoy this cup of warm “Haldi doodh” and have a good night.


What is your “ Jai Ganesha?


Ukala: A Spiced herbal drink for daily protection